Georges Ward presents his pictorial work in a exhibition Spirits of the jungle, at the Palacio Montcada de Fraga (Huesca, Spain) from October 5th to November 26th 2017.
The opening will take place this coming 5 October at 7:30 p.m., and the exhibition can be visited until 26 November, 2017.
Opening hours are: Tuesday to Saturday from 17 to 20 hrs and Sundays from 11.30 to 13.30 hrs and 17.00 to 20 hrs.
Georges Ward presents us with an ample exhibition of around ninety works of different sizes, small and large, square and round, some of them three-dimensional. The number may seem even slightly excessive. However, the artist’s way of working, in series, and their rhythmic arrangement, as they are displayed grouped, are effective in capturing the message – the multiple messages – and harmonies that convey beauty. We have to bear in mind that our artist loves and enjoys nature, and the beauty it holds. A beauty that it sometimes offers in an ostensible and open way while some other times requires us to search for it or even hunt it out.
Life is not ostensible but the artist seeks and finds an incredible plant and life abundance. Because life justifies everything and adapts to the environment.
The exhibition revolves around a few large works, and beside them others are diversified and grouped by series. The result is harmony and balance, which could not be missing in the works of someone that applies the Golden Section in his works.
I was saying that Georges Ward paints nature, landscape, mountains, flowers, deserts, flora and fauna, sky, land, air and water, fish, birds, and always represents the world with devotion, respect and admiration. At the same time, we find in his paintings symbolism, metaphors and forms of exaltation of the nature around us, so that it does not deteriorate, since it is the only nature and the only planet we have to live.
Ricardo García Prats (Extract from Georges Ward’s Voyage of Discovery through the Universe)
Si tu supieras (poem by Marisa Royo)